On “Research Data Canada Response to Capitalizing on Big Data: Towards a Policy Framework for Advancing Digital Scholarship in Canada,” by Research Data Canada
In “Research Data Canada Response to Capitalizing on Big Data: Towards a Policy Framework for Advancing Digital Scholarship in Canada,” Research Data Canada responds to a Government of Canada report. They acknowledge that the government’s report on digital scholarship in Canada is a good start, but that it requires more attention in 4 specific areas. Research Data Canada suggests that the Government of Canada needs to pay more heed to long term, rather than researcher-focused and thus short term, data curation. They also argue that although provisions for graduate student and early career researcher training are positive developments, it is necessary to designate, train, and support distinct data professionals. Further, Research Data Canada suggests that an increase in cross-sector collaboration with industry would be beneficial, as would more engagement with the international data community.
Work cited
Research Data Canada. 2013. “Research Data Canada Response to Capitalizing on Big Data: Towards a Policy Framework for Advancing Digital Scholarship in Canada.” Ottawa. http://www.rdc-drc.ca/wp-content/uploads/Research-Data-Canada-Response-to-the-Tri-Council-Consultation-on-Digital-Scholarship.pdf