On “Consultation: Developing a Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy,” by the Government of Canada
In this short document, “Consultation: Developing a Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy” the Government of Canada acknowledges that research methods and processes are changing as the prevalence and complexity of technology increases. The author suggests that “Canada’s current [digital research infrastructure] DRI ecosystem needs to be examined against these rapid changes,” and reiterates that the government intends to develop a more purpose-driven digital research infrastructure strategy. This new strategy will cover research data management and preservation, as well as provisions for further software, high speed networking, and high performance computing. The consultation also notes increased investments in the academic sector. The document ends with targeted consultation questions in order to survey the community on digital research infrastructure needs in Canada.
Work cited
Government of Canada, Industry Canada. 2015. “Consultation: Developing a Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy.” Ottawa. http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/icgc.nsf/eng/07528.html3.